June 7

17 Lead Magnets Your Subscribers Will Love


One of the keys to success in building your subscriber list is the lead magnets that you offer as an incentive. Lead magnets are more than a report or check list.

And while those are often good options, and I include them in this list, they are by no means the only option. Indeed, I encourage you to think about what other types of lead magnets you can provide. People are so used to seeing reports and ebooks as lead magnets, that offering anything else is often a very welcome change.

So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at 17 different lead magnets you might consider offering, along with examples of each…

Discount Coupons

One of the benefits of offering a deep discount as a lead magnet is that you’re attracting buyers. Tire kickers don’t tend to join a newsletter just to get a coupon. (However, you may be attracting people who only purchase discounted offers – which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.)

For example: “Join now to get 50% off [Specific Product]!”

To make it more powerful, make sure to let them know that the coupon will expire in soon. And let them know that they will never be able to purchase the product for this low again. In other words, add urgency to the coupon offer. Next...

Digital Guides

One of the keys to offering lead magnets is to make it sound like a premium offer. Don't just call it an ebook or free report. Call it a guide, or an "Ultimate Guide To ____".

Of course you have to back up your claim, but you're going to do that anyway...

Digital guides are easy to create and put together, and while they are one of the most common lead magnets, they are extremely effective. 


Videos tend to have a higher perceived value than regular text content. This is particularly true when you make full use of the video format, such as by demonstrating how to do something (versus a slide-show video or plain talking head video).

If you don't want to do a video, or if you've never done one before, you can purchase rights to videos for your own use. You could also find a video on Youtube and embed it on your site.

Add an intro before the video. You can also add links to resources that relate to the topic of the video and include affiliate links or links to your own products.


Audios tend to have a higher perceived value than text. An audio file has the added benefit of being able to be accessed on a tablet or smart phone, so your new subscriber can download the file and listen to it any time they want to. 

You can record an audio of you explaining your topic. An awesome way to add value is to record an interview with an accomplished player in your niche that your subscribers will look forward to listening to.

Membership Sites

You can offer access to a “vault” site, an ongoing monthly membership site, or a fixed-term site. It’s best to offer either a fixed-term membership or ongoing membership, because this gives you an opportunity to deliver ongoing content via email. In turn, this lets you build relationships and promote products. And you don't have to pay for plugins or software to manage the membership.


The advantage of a webinar is that you not only have a high-value live event, but you can then offer the recordings. This is not for everyone, but I put it here as an option.

Email E-course

The idea here is to offer a multipart course by email, which helps train your prospects to open their emails (and lets you showcase your really good content).

To make this work on auto-pilot, write the email messages, load them into your email service provider, and set them up to send at regular intervals - for example every 2 days.

Once your subscriber is added to your list, they will get the entire course automatically. After that, you can start sending them your regular emails.

Access To An Exclusive Group

Here you offer access to a subscribers only forum or Facebook group, which might include peer support and/or group coaching.

For example, you might offer dieters access to a private Facebook group where you do weekly challenges, offer group-coaching, and let members encourage and support one another.


Here you offer some sort of software to help people accomplish a task faster and easier. One benefit is that the more useful your app is, the more people will use it. In turn, they’ll see your links and calls to action often.

For example, you might offer an app to help runners track their miles/times to determine how well they’re progressing over time.

Note: This is not for everyone, and it may not make sense for you. Only consider it if you have access to these resources and you want to use them as your lead magnets.


Worksheets are popular lead magnets. To get an idea of what they are and how to create them, do a search. You'll find sites that offer free worksheets that you can download and study.

Use these as a model for your own useful worksheets.

For example, “The Home Buyer’s Worksheet: How Much House Can You REALLY Afford?”


Template lead magnets are another way to help people get a job done faster and easier, as people just need to fill in the blanks.

You can offer sales letter templates, opt-in page templates, or even web site templates. They have a high perceived value, and your subscribers will get a lot of benefit from them.

E.G., “The Ultimate Sales Letter Template.”


Here’s where you provide a list of ideas or other items for inspiration. For example, you might offer a collection of sales letter headlines, which will inspire copywriters and help them come up with their own headlines.


Here you offer a set of steps to help people complete a process or achieve a goal.

E.G., “The Career-Builder’s Checklist for Landing the Perfect Job.”

Cheat Sheets

This is a one-page summary that includes as many steps, tips and ideas as possible about a narrow topic.

E.G., “The Facebook Ad Cheat Sheet.”


Here’s where you teach people how to do something within a specific timeframe.

E.G., “The 30-Day Guide to Starting Your Own Home-Based Business.”

Mind Maps

A mind map is a non-linear way of presenting information, which some people find to be more useful than a typical list of steps. This works best for multistep or complex processes.

E.G., “The Home Seller’s Mind Map.”

Process Maps

This is a map that leads people through a step-by-step process, including what to do at different decision points.

E.G., “How to Decide Whether to Outsource.”

Resource Lists

Here you provide a list of gear or resources that someone in the niche might need.

E.G., “The Definitive Gear List for Membership Marketers.”


As you can see, there are many different types of lead magnets you can use to build your list. As always, do your research to find out what your audience wants, and then create a high-quality product that’s irresistible to your target market.

A wise man once said "If you build a responsive email list and treat that list with respect, and help your subscribers whenever you can, you'll never have to worry about making money online ever again. It's your golden ticket - the most valuable asset in your entire online business." Learn more here...

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