January 19

Converting PLR To Get More Out Of It Part 3


Many marketers have dozens of plr products sitting on their hard drive that they plan to upload and publish “one day”. It’s awesome to publish your PLR but don’t think that just because they’re in one form you must leave them in that format.

This is part 3 of the series about repurposing and using plr content.

Part one is here...
Part 2 is here...

Idea #6: Create an FAQ Section

One of the most popular areas of a website is the FAQ section or Frequently Asked Questions. That’s because people enjoy reading content that’s already in a question and answer format.

Not only do readers enjoy it, but search engines like FAQs too. This provides Google and other search bots quick snippets so the algorithm can quickly reveal an answer to a searcher’s query. The more in-depth and useful your FAQ page is, the more likely it is to rank higher in the search engines.

Another unexpected bonus of an FAQ section is it can be useful for customer service. If you get the same question asked repeatedly then you (or your virtual assistant) is probably tired of answering it. But with an FAQ page, you can quickly copy and paste the answer without having to rewrite the same information.

To create the best possible FAQ section, look for PLR content that’s slanted toward beginners and covers basics in your industry. For example, if you’re in the puppy training niche, you might want to use a potty advice article to answer a few questions that your readers always ask you.

You may also want to brainstorm a list of questions you’re asked and write them down. Then just look through your PLR content collection that would be a perfect fit.

If you’re having trouble coming up with compelling questions, you don’t have to go it alone. Use an online resource like Answer the Public. To use this website, simply type in your subject or niche.

You’ll see a list of questions that people regularly type into the search engines about your topic. Answering these questions is a great way to start your FAQ section.

Keep in mind that you can use a regular page on your website to handle your FAQs. But if you go in-depth with your answers or if you have dozens of questions, you’ll want a way to organize the information neatly.

Try using a page builder tool. There are several page builders that work with WordPress and you can use them to keep your content looking nice and easily readable by both humans and search engines.

Keep in mind that your FAQ page shouldn’t be done once and ignored for years to come. Instead, you’ll want to review it monthly so you can update any information that may have changed as well as include new questions that you continue to receive.

You’ll also want to proudly promote your new FAQ page on social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Doing this makes you look like an authority in the eyes of your followers.

If you really wanted to promote the content, you could even use each question and answer as social media content itself. If you have twenty-one questions, that’s 3 weeks of social media updates and all you had to do was schedule them or ask your virtual assistant to.

Idea #7: Create an Affiliate Resource Center

You have an amazing product and an army of affiliates that would gladly promote it for you. There’s just one problem—your affiliates are busy, and they don’t have the time to create blog posts, emails, and social media blurbs promoting your products.

You could sit around waiting for them to take the initiative and hoping that someone promotes your awesome products. Or you could grab the bull by the horns and create your own affiliate swipes.

But you don’t have to start from scratch with these swipes. You can harness the power of PLR to create content that your affiliates will gladly copy, paste, and send out to their communities.

To start with, you’ll want to gather some PLR content on a topic closely related to your product. So, if you sell an essential oils recipe book, then you’ll want content on the topic of essential oils.

But you could also slant any content you have for your niche, too. For example, if you have a PLR pack on the dangers of stress, you could point your readers toward essential oils as a safe and effective alternative to other stress-relief options.

Once you’ve found some PLR, edit it. Make it fit your brand and shape the content, so it perfectly positions your product as the answer to the reader’s struggle.

You’ll want to create a mix of content here – try coming up with 2-3 blog posts, 3-5 email swipes, and 2-5 social media updates. By having several options, your affiliates can look through what you have and choose the content that’s most likely to appeal to their communities.

As you’re working on this content, make sure that you are clear on where their affiliate link belongs. This makes it easy for affiliates to grab your content, include their links, and get to promoting you. For example, you might have content that looks like this:

Essential oils are a safe alternative to stress relief that won’t cause unwelcome side effects or risk your health. But knowing how to use them correctly is important and that’s why I enjoyed reading Bea’s book, 101 Essential Oil Recipes for Busy Mamas (affiliate link goes here).

Once you’ve gotten the content ready, upload it to so it’s easily accessible to your affiliates. You can do this by adding it to a special folder in DropBox or creating a document in Google Docs.

Then share the swipe content with your affiliate mailing list. You may even want to go a step further and post their affiliate link ID at the same time so they’re more likely to promote you.

Repurposing your PLR content can be fun and easy once you know what to do. It only takes a few minutes to profit again and again from the same content!

Here are the links to the other parts of this series:
Part 1 is here...
Part 2 is here...


Discover how to make real cash from PLR and white label products. What anyone who buys OR sells PLR needs to know. Get the Truth About PLR here...


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