February 15

A Model To Use For Your Next Sales Letter


Creating Your Next Sales Letter

Even when you have a great product or package, your prospective buyers don’t know it. That’s why you need to create a sales letter that explains and advertises the main benefits of your package. Basically, you need to tell your prospects why they should buy your product.

The example that follows if for a product that comes with private label rights. You can use this sales letter template for any product in just about any niche.

Now, before you create your sales letter, you need to think about your prospects. In this case…

Who Is Your Perfect Customer?

Are your prospects familiar with PLR materials? In that case, you don’t need to tell them about the benefits of PLR. Instead, you can just focus on the benefits of your specific package.

On the other hand, maybe you’re selling to marketers who buy things like resell rights, but they’re not familiar with PLR content. In that case, you’ll not only tout the benefits of your specific package, but you’ll also need to tell them about the benefits of using PLR content.

See what I mean?

You need to think about who’re you’re selling to, because it will be easier to get into their head and connect with them through your sales letter. As such, it’s a good idea to sit down and brainstorm as much as you know about your perfect prospect. This is called profiling the target market.

Important Sales Letter Components

Once you’ve profiled your target market, then you can start writing the actual letter. Basically, your letter will include these parts:


This sits at the top of your sales letter and it should present the biggest benefit (or benefits) of your PLR package.


This is where you expand on the promise in your headline. You may also use this space to remind prospects of their problem (such as not enough time to create content themselves). Then you introduce your PLR product as the solution.


This is where you offer a bulleted list of all the benefits of your PLR package. You should list what all is included in the package as well as the other benefits (e.g., “well researched”).


Here you can post excerpts from the content to show that it’s good quality content. You can also include testimonials from satisfied customers.


This is what’s called risk reversal – you promise buyers that if they’re not satisfied, then they’ll get their money back.

License terms

This where you tell your buyers about any restrictions on how they can use the content. Be sure to include a full license in your product package. (Again, your license is actually a legal document, so consult with a qualified professional if you have questions about how to create your license.)

Call to action

This is where you specifically tell your buyers what to do next (e.g., purchase the package). This works best if you can create a sense of urgency. Your product should have a built-in sense of urgency, since you’re capping the number of available PLR licenses.


This is where you reiterate a main benefit and/or repeat the call to action and/or mention a benefit not mentioned elsewhere.

Now let me give you a short sample sales letter...

“Claim Your Copy of This HOT Dating Niche PLR Package – Your Customers Will Love the eBook, and You’ll LOVE the Quick and Easy Profits it Generates!”

Dear Fellow Marketer,

If you’re like most marketers in the dating niche, then you have a constant need for content. You need products. You need articles and blog posts. You need autoresponder content.

It’s never ending.

And it’s also time consuming and expensive. If you do it all yourself, then you’ll quickly find you don’t have time left for anything else, like marketing your site. And if you outsource it all, you end up blowing a big gaping hole in your budget.

Fortunately, the solution is easy:

Simply buy the “Dating Secrets” Private Label Rights Package, and…

You’ll Get Instant Access to Over 100 Pages of Dating Content That You Can Sell, Giveaway, Modify and Use As You Please to Put Money in Your Pocket – You Can Even Put Your Name as the Author!

That’s right, you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars or weeks of your life creating high-quality content. Just be one of 100 lucky people to claim your PLR license now, and you’ll get dating content that you can use starting today!

Here’s what you get when you order now…

  • A meaty 75 page “Dating Secrets” eBook. Click here to see the table of contents and to download an excerpt. I think you’ll agree that your customers will LOVE this high-quality product – and you’ll be proud to put your name on it!
  • A 10 page lead generating report. Give this exciting report away to your subscribers, put it on your blog, post it on your Facebook page. You’ll be amazed at how well it works to generate leads and turn browsers into your buyers!
  • A pack of 20 articles you can use to market your business. Post ‘em on your blog. Load ‘em up into your autoresponder. The choice is yours – and so are all the profits!
  • A persuasive sales letter you can use to sell the eBook! This means you can upload this sales letter immediately, start driving traffic to it, and make sales as quickly as TODAY!

This is a true business in a box. So, whether you’ve been kicking around the idea of entering the hot, in-demand dating niche, or you’re already well-established in the niche, this content will help you build your business faster.

Just look at all the ways you can profit by using
this private label rights dating content…

[Insert your bulleted list of what people can and cannot do with the content. For example, “YES! You can put your name as the author…”]

What’s This Content Worth?

If you hired a ghostwriter and copywriter to create this content for you, you’d be looking at a freelancing bill of over $1000! And if you did it yourself? You’d spend so much time working that you could kiss your social life goodbye.

That’s why you’ll recognize this as an insanely good deal: Order now and the entire package is just $97.

But there’s a catch – only 100 PLR licenses are available worldwide. That means you have virtually no competition. But it also means you need to act now so you don’t miss out…

Click here to claim your license.

And relax…

Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed

Download the eBook, report, 20 articles and sales letter right now risk free! If you’re unsatisfied for any reason whatsoever, just let me know within 30 days and I’ll give you back every penny. No quibbles, no questions, no hoops to jump through.

Fair enough? Then…

Order Now to Avoid Disappointment

Take out your credit card and click the order button below now to get started. But hurry, because just 100 PLR licenses are available worldwide, and they won’t last long at this price!

[Insert your order button]

[insert your name]

P.S. Go ahead, shop around – but I guarantee you won’t find a better dating PLR package at a better price. Just don’t look around too long, or you might come back and this offer will be gone!

Bottom line:

You have the talents to create the package and the sales letter yourself. Don't let doubt stop you. Others have learned how to do it, and so can you. However, you can save yourself plenty of time and frustration by hiring someone to write the sales letter and create the content for you.

Whatever you decide to do, I hope this example has been helpful in showing you that you can join other successful online marketers by selling your own products and creating an awesome and profitable sales letter.

Go from zero content, zero ideas to being the hero of your family and friends by creating your own in-demand profitable info product ready to take orders in the next month! Using PLR for maximum profits! How is that even possible? Let Me Show You…

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Fast And Easy Content Ideas

Get this free guide that will show you several ways you can get a ton of content ideas for articles, posts, info products and more PLUS get daily email tips and resources to start and grow your online business. 

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