November 23

Affiliate Marketing The Hard Way


So you want to be an affiliate marketer

You’ve read about how you can make money by offering products offered on Warrior Plus and JVZoo. The advantage is that there are several products launching every week, and sometimes every day.

The products have a launch date, and some of them offer prizes to the top affiliates. Sounds like an easy way to make some money right away. Let’s take a look at some of the points to consider if you are a new affiliate marketer.

You Have To Get Approval

Most of the time, for every offer, you have to request approval before you can even get an affiliate link. As a new marketer, this can be a challenge. You don’t have a track record, and they want affiliates that can bring them sales.

You may find that you have to make a lot of requests before you get approved to get your affiliate link. Be prepared for that, and don’t take it personally. Once you get a few sales, getting approved will be a lot easier.

The Competition Is Fierce

Once you get approved, you can get your marketing strategy put together.

Since you’re new, it makes sense to put up a review page on your site. Some product vendors offer affiliates some graphics and copy they can use. Now you have to get traffic to the page.

What you will find is that if you enter the name of the product and do a search is that there are likely to be several sites that are promoting the same thing. To get search traffic, you have to get your site on there as well.

You can use free sites to make posts and submit content with links to your affiliate page. Make sure to follow the rules so that you don’t get your account banned.

Depending on the popularity of the launch, you may find that there are a lot other affiliates trying to do the same thing, and they may have more social reach,

Bonus Stacks

Here’s where it can get really hard as a new affiliate. Even if you get visitors to your review page, either from social media or search engine traffic, you have an uphill battle.

Here’s what I mean. When you do a search, visit your competitors sites and see what they are doing. What you  will see is that most of them are offering bonuses for anyone who buys through their link.

 Some of your fellow affiliate marketers are offering not just one or two bonuses, but a whole stack of bonuses. As a buyer myself, that’s something that I pay attention to.

Here’s a real world example…

Last week, there was a launch for a product with PLR. Something that you could buy, easily edit, and sell as your own. What made this PLR product interesting is that they made it easy to edit it and make it unique to you when you sold it.

I received a lot of promo emails from several marketers for this product. All of them offered a bonus if I bought from their link. One of them stood out…

This marketer was offering to give up to $200 worth of products that he is selling right now. There were a few dozen to choose from. He provided a page where all of the products were listed, along with links to each sales  page.

You could check out each product, and make a list of the ones you wanted to include as your bonus. Once you purchased the offer, all you had to do was provide a copy of the receipt and a list of the products you wanted as a bonus.

Of course I took advantage of the $200 bonus offer. I didn’t even really care about the product itself. I almost forgot to mention this, but the PLR product was less than $12.

To compete and to get people to click on your affiliate link, you have to come up with your own bonus stack that will beat your competition. Not so easy to do.

And Then It Starts All Over

The problem with product launches is that they go away quickly, only to be replaced by the next one. To keep up can be a challenge.

Constantly requesting approval, creating review pages, putting together bonus stacks, promoting on social media, and as your list grows, sending offers to your list.

You can make money doing this. Just be prepared for the time and effort it takes to do so.

Selling as an affiliate for product launches is a lot easier once you have a list and have a profitable online business.

Product launches are good. Promoting them as an affiliate is good. I just wanted to make the point that if you are brand new and are trying to make money as soon as possible, you might be better off starting with evergreen products, where, depending on the niche, there is less competition.

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