November 3

An Important Type Of Page To Add To Your Site

One of the most useful and important type of page that you can have for your site is a review page. I say that because if you ever sell something as an affiliate, you should have a review page. 

Review pages for our purposes are pages that inform the visitor about the product being referencing - the good things about it, what it can do, the problem it solves - and why they should click a link that you provide to go to the sales page.

These pages are the backbone of your affiliate promotion strategy. It's where you want visitors to come and see what you've prepared for them so they can make an informed buying decision. One that puts money into your business.

For any given product there are likely going to be several other competing sites. What I have found is that a lot of them are nothing more than the bullet points of the sales page and some of the same copy as well.

Not much to make them stand out. That's where you can get an advantage.

Not in every market, and if you're going for search engine traffic, it could take a long time to get to the first couple of pages in the search results. These types of review pages are best when you are promoting physical products or evergreen digital goods.

If you are going to be an affiliate for product launch type of products, you can still do it, but usually once the promotion is over, there is another launch to take its place.

In my case, it makes more sense to put the time and effort into creating a keyword rich and useful review page that will be relevant for a long time. If I do that, it is worth it to take the time to do the research and get customer testimonials that I can add to the content.

One of the ways that I used to get better at creating review pages was to look at what other marketers were doing. I still do it.

For example, if I am interested in a product on Clickbank, I will enter the product name with the word "Review" at the end and see what comes up. I look at the first 4 to 5 pages of results.

What usually happens is that after 3 or 4 sites, I will notice a pattern. The bullet points and the content will be very similar to the sales page. This isn't always a bad thing. It just doesn't make the page stand out.

I look at the pages that have done a good job. The content is useful, and they answer questions that I had but didn't find on the sales page. I will bookmark these sites and study them for ideas.

What I DON'T do is swipe from these pages. I only do this for research purposes and ideas so that I can get better at putting my own content on the page.

Start looking at review pages  and what you'll find is that as you start doing your own promotions, you'll get better. It takes time and actually doing these sites - sometimes a lot of them - to get comfortable.

It's not hard, but it is one of the skills that will pay you back over and over again. Now get started (if you haven't already!).

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