March 9

Make More Sales With Content Marketing


Why Content Marketing?

It makes sense that you want to make your sales letter the best it can be. A good sales letter can be the key to more sales. When you add content marketing to your sales message, you have a much more powerful asset.

When you think about it, content marketing is what gets prospects to the sales page in the first place. I realize that that's not always the case, because you could be getting visitors from your ads alone. 

Ads are faster, but the disadvantage is that unless you have a way to get their email address and get them on a list, you have to make the sale or you've lost them forever.

Using content marketing, you can educate, entertain, and keep them reading your material - content that always includes a link to your sales pieces.

While it's true that the goal is to make a sale, you won't get any more profits unless you show that you have content that will help them get to their goal.

The emails that you send after the sale, along with the blog posts and videos, will determine whether or not they stick around long enough to see your next offer. 

Great content.

Think about it…

Example #1: You can sell anything with good marketing – once. A great sales letter can sell a mediocre eBook, a misleading report or even a downright ghastly video. But as soon as the customers discover the quality of the content, they’re out the door for good.

Some will refund, some won’t, but none of them will ever buy from the marketer again.

Example #2: You've probably had the experience of doing a search on a topic, and clicking on a link that looks like it is just what you were looking for. When you got to the site, you found that the content was poorly written, and had little to do with the topic that you were searching for.

Did you click on any of the links? Of course not. While it is easier and faster to get some PLR articles, add some keywords, and slap them on a blog. It's a numbers game, in that the more you post, the more likely it is that you will get traffic.

But that traffic does you no good if they take a quick look and leave. You generated traffic and wasted it. Don't do it.

Both of the above points are examples of short-term thinking.

By using these time saving tactics, you end up losing out on long term profits, and you will be on a never ending quest to keep on generating new traffic to your web pages. 

It’s exhausting – no wonder people who do this tend to eventually give up!

Instead of relying solely on great salesmanship to make money, why not focus on a combination of great salesmanship AND great content?

That way your marketing and sales copy bring the customer into the door – and your great content keeps them coming back again and again.

Which brings us to the next point…

Happy Customers Grow Your Business

I think you already knew this. Of course happy customers become repeat customers which increases your income and grows your business. 

It is essential that you keep adding happy and satisfied customers to your business. Every month and every year you have a bigger buyer pool that you can contact and offer more products. 

You do this by continuing with your high quality content marketing, giving useful information and tips, along with product recommendations and special subscriber only deals.

What it comes down to is something called the 3 Rs...

Let me explain…

1. Repeat Customers

Using good quality content marketing produces happy and loyal customers. These customers are on your list, they read your messages, and they are interested in what you offer. They're are more likely to be interested in your next product, making for an easy sale.

Another big advantage is that you can lead your customers to higher priced products and packages. Your content marketing will continue to show the value you provide, and they will be more likely to invest more money in advanced training, again adding to your profits.

2. Referrals:

If you get a reputation as a good product seller, your customers are going to tell others. They may respond to a forum or social media post or tell a friend. More traffic to your site and more subscribers and sales. 

Your customers and subscribers are also a good source of affiliates for your products. They know all about your products, so they are able to tell their experiences with your products in their sales material. 

Again, content marketing leads to customers who are fans who are willing to become affiliates to promote your products. Over time, you won't have to do any affiliate recruiting for your next product launch, because you'll already have an affiliate army ready to spread the word.

Now that’s powerful!

3. Residuals:

Finally, when your customers and subscribers see the value you present in your content, they will be more interested in products that give you a monthly income. Things like a membership site, or a premium newsletter subscription, or a service that you provide that they pay monthly for. 

Non of these things are difficult, but there are a lot of marketers, your competition, that aren't doing these things. Do them yourself, and you'll have the advantage. Loyal customers that stick around and keep buying from you.

An Important Point...

This probably doesn't have to be said, but in the interest of covering every point, here's the last thing I have to say in this article...

You need to provide good customer service.

In other words, yes you continue to create great content, but don't forget to respond to questions and problems that your customers and subscribers present you with. 

It can be a distraction, especially when you're in the middle of a product launch or new promotion. But that is the time to make sure to make your contact info front and center in every email and on every sales page.

You want your customers to know that if they have a problem, say with getting a download link, or they have trouble ordering, that you will respond quickly.

I realize that you have to eat and sleep, and because of time zone differences that you may end up with a lot of support requests while you're sleeping.

If you get a nasty message, don't respond and get into an angry email exchange. Thank them for their patience, and help them with their problem.

When it comes to customer service, you can't please everyone, nor should you try. Just pay attention and check in regularly during your work day and take care of your people.

And there's nothing wrong with hiring someone to help with customer service. Or you could even get free help from your partner or kids! Or not...

Making sales and content marketing work well on their own, and they work even better together. Something to keep in mind going forward...

Go from zero content, zero ideas, no products to sell, to being the hero of your family and friends by creating your own in-demand profitable info products ready to take orders in the next month! How is that even possible? Let Me Show You…

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Fast And Easy Content Ideas

Get this free guide that will show you several ways you can get a ton of content ideas for articles, posts, info products and more PLUS get daily email tips and resources to start and grow your online business. 

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