March 13

Opt-In Form Tips For List Building


Opt- In Forms Everywhere

To get new subscriber you need to have an opt-in form. What's even better is having all types of opt-in forms and using them at every opportunity. While you don't want to be obnoxious, and you don't want to irritate those who have already subscribed, you still want to make sure your opt-in form is seen as often as possible.

The easiest way to get started is to get an account with and email service provider. They make list building easy by offering opt-in forms, landing pages, and they automate most of the tasks that come with building and mailing to an email list.

There are several email service providers (ESP) to choose from.  Three of the top picks are,, and Visit the sites and see what looks good to you.

Right now, you can get started for free with, where they offer a 30 day free trial. After that you have to start paying. and both offer free accounts. There are limits, but they don't require a credit card, and you never have to pay until you get a certain number of subscribers - 500 for Aweber, and up to 1,000 for Converkit.

Once you’ve secured an ESP account, then you can go about the task of setting up your opt-in form on your website. Check your ESP’s documentation for instructions on how to create this form and get it onto your site. Then check out these five different places where you can put an opt-in form on your site…

1. Popup Form

This is the form that people seem to hate, but that marketers seem to love. The argument is that even though people complain about them, tests have shown that they are very effective for getting more subscribers.

These forms appear at different times, and you can decide when that is. These are the most common ways they are used:

  • Entrance popup - the popup up appears immediately as the page loads. The visitor can fill out the form and become a subscriber, they can close the popup and continue checking out your site, or they can hit the back button and leave.
  • You can set the popup on a delay so that it appears after a set time. This can be a few seconds, a minute, or any increment that you want.
  • Exit popup - when your visitor points their mouse at the back button or the address bar, this will trigger the popup. They can still leave your site, but they will see your popup opt-in form.
  • You can also set up the popup to appear after the visitor scrolls down to a certain part of the page.

2. In-Content Form

This is a form that you insert after a few paragraphs in an article or blog post. They are a part of the page, so there is no option to close it. Depending on the plugins you have, you can have this opt-in form appear automatically in of your blog posts. 

3. Header And Footer

When you put your opt-in form in the header, it will appear on every page for every visitor. It is a good way to make it visible and available, and yet not be too aggressive.

The footer is also a good place to add an opt-in form. It should not be the only opt-in form on your site, because you can never be sure that your visitor will scroll to the bottom of the page. But it gives you another way to get your form in front of your viewers.

4. Side Bar

Your side bar is valuable space where you can add your opt-in form. Once you add it, it will be visible for all of your blog posts.

5. Landing Page

This is your "Sales Page" for list building. This is where you have the space and opportunity to let your prospective subscribers know about all of the benefits they will get by joining your list. 

Tell them a little bit about yourself, and why they should listen to you. Offer an incentive for signing up - a free download, a video, or offer them a multi-part email training course.

In Conclusion

Don't make the mistake of just putting up an opt-in form and seeing what happens. Use multiple methods. You want your opt-in form to be seen in as many places as possible. You'll never know whether your form is effective, unless you...

Test, test and test some more. You want to add forms in many places. In your header and footer, as a popup, in your content, in your side bar, and on a landing page.

Once you have your opt-in forms in place, track how many hits you get on each type of form. You can and should test forms against each other. For example, alternate between 2 different popup forms, and after you have a few clicks, you can see which one is the winner. Keep that one, and create another one to test.

Just having an opt-in form isn't going to get you a flood of new subscribers. You have to get creative and get attention. Here are some ideas...

  • Use graphics. Using only text can only get you so far. Adding graphics makes your form look more attractive and more likely to get read. And play around with text color. You can add interesting contrast to your form this way.
  • Pay attention to your headline. That's the first thing they'll see. and you want to make it stand out and get them to stop and scan your opt-in form.
  • Once you have their attention via the headline, let them know why they should subscribe, and offer them a really awesome freebie.
  • Sell your freebie. Let them know that your incentive is more than just an ordinary download. Let them know the benefit that your freebie offers to them. And remember that your freebie is your chance to make a good first impression, showing them the quality that you offer.
  • Provide a privacy policy. More and more there are concerns about giving out personal information. Even though you are only asking for an email address and name, make sure to assure them that you will never share their information or use it for anything other than to send them email messages.

Your opt-in form is the key to getting subscribers and growing your list. With a little work and creativity, you can have them working for you in your list building efforts. 

A wise man once said "If you build a responsive email list and treat that list with respect, and help your subscribers whenever you can, you'll never have to worry about making money online ever again. It's your golden ticket - the most valuable asset in your entire online business." Learn more here...

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

Fast And Easy Content Ideas

Get this free guide that will show you several ways you can get a ton of content ideas for articles, posts, info products and more PLUS get daily email tips and resources to start and grow your online business. 

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