November 20

Promoting Product Launches As An Affilate


Affiliate marketing is a great way to get started. As an affiliate, you need to have a way to make money, and if you aren’t selling services, then you are going to be selling products. As a new marketer, the quickest way to get started is by selling products for others for a commission.

I am going to cover 2 broad types of products that you can go for.

The first type is the evergreen products. These are products that have been selling for months and in some cases years. They don’t go out of style, and they are steady sellers. More on this in Part 2…

The second type are the product launches. The type where you get an email a few days in advance letting you know that a new product is about to become available, and on what day and time you can buy it.

Once the product opens, you get an email letting you know that it is for sale, and that there is special pricing, and the longer you wait, the higher the price will be.

If you decide to become an affiliate for product launches, keep in mind that there is typically more competition than you would get with evergreen stuff.

The reason for this is because usually everyone only has a few days to get people to click on their affiliate links, and the price increases. So all of the affiliates are doing all they can to get traffic. To compete, you have to rely on your list and social reach to get clicks.

If you’re new, and you don’t have a list, it’s hard to get traffic.

You can put up a review site. If you want to see what other marketers are doing, the next time you see a  product launch, do a search and visit the sites that come up. There will be several of them. Your only chance of winning with a review site is to rank better than the other sites. Not and easy task.

Visit the sites that come up on the first 2 pages of search results, and you will see that often the site owner is offering a stack of bonuses if they buy from their link. Even if you get your site on the first page, you have to offer incentives to have any success.

Product launches are short term, and as you will soon realize, there are product launches coming out all of the time. There’s a popular site ( that lists product launches that are coming up. Sellers list their launches and links to their sales page and affiliate information.

Another thing to keep in mind is that with launch products, you will have to request and affiliate link. If you are new and don’t have a list, it will be a challenge to get approved as an affiliate. You have to make the request for each new seller you contact.

Affiliate marketing using product launches can be done, but you are going to face more competition than you would if you went with evergreen products.

If you use Clickbank, once you sign up for a free account, you will find that you can promote most of the products without having to get approval.

Affiliate marketing with launch products is harder if you’re new. That’s not a reason not to do it, but it is something to think about. Once you have an email list of a few hundred subscribers, it makes more sense, because once you get approved, all you have to do is send out a few email messages for each launch. Until then, evergreen affiliate marketing is easier, and you won’t have as much competition, depending on which product you select.


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