March 13

Promoting Your Information Product


10 Ideas To Sell Your Information Product

Your new information product is something to be proud of. You want to let everyone know what you have created. Here are 10 ideas that can give you ideas on how to get the attention of as many people as possible.

Let's get started...

Your Site

This is where you will have your sales page. On your home page, make sure to have an area where you put your offer front and center where it can't be missed, along with a link to the sales page. 

Put an ad and a link in the sidebar of your blog, so that every a visitor clicks on a link to one of your posts, they will see your new product offer and be able to click on the link and get to the sales page. 

Online Stars

These are stars and influencers with a large following. They have a lot of fans and traffic to their sites, so getting them to recommend your product will bring a lot of traffic to your sales page. 

You will have to pay for the opportunity, and not everyone will be interested. If you keep at it, you may find someone who is willing to endorse your product. They may want an up front fee or a share of each sale. Either way, it is a good way to get traffic and instant credibility.

Social Media

If you are a member of any groups, find out if there is a way to let the other members know about your new offer. You could get some sales, and you could also get affiliates. If you have your own groups, let them know as well.

Public Speaking

If your product is sold offline as well as online, and you are already doing presentations, you can use these opportunities to promote your product. It that isn't a good idea, you can set up an event and invite people to your presentation.

Online, using public speaking will take the form of a webinar. Use all of your contacts to let everyone know about the webinar, put together a presentation, and make sales. 

YouTube Videos

A lot of people watch videos, and Youtube is one of the most popular video sites out there. While there is no gaurantee that adding a video will result in a lot of views and traffic, it is still a very good way to get traffic.

If you aren't good at video, or you don't want to do it, you can always hire someone to do the video for you. It could be a really good investment.

Your Subscriber List

Let your subscribers know all about your new product. Don't wait until it is ready. As you near the launch date, let them know about it, what it is, and why it will benefit them. 

When you're ready to go, let your subscribers know that you are going to offer them a subscriber-only discount if they purchase for a limited time. 

When you put a deadline on the discount, anyone who is interested won't put it off, and they will buy it. Your big advantage is that these early buyers are a great resource because they can tell you if there are any problems with product.

Things like areas that they didn't understand, or things that they didn't like. The feedback you get will allow you to make the product even better.

Niche Forums

Do a search and you'll find several forums in your niche. Make a list and start visiting them. What you are looking for are forums where there is a lot of activity. You want to see that there are new posts every day.

Also look to see if they offer paid ads. This can be a way to get traffic fast.

Register and start asking and answering questions. Be helpful and get to know the other members. Check out the rules and see what you can include in your signature file. Include a link to your sales page if that is allowed. 

Paid Ads

Free traffic is great, but it is also harder to get, and slow. If you want traffic fast, you can invest in paid ads.

PPC ads are an option, and there is a lot of free info online. Both Google and Bing offer PPC ads. 

Social media sites are another place where you can buy ads. There are also blogs that offer paid ads. There is no shortage of paid ad opportunities. Just start slow, know what you're doing, and don't invest more than what you can afford to lose. 

Recruit Affiliates

Recruiting affiliates is another great way to spread the word about your new product. there are sites that handle all of the details for you including,, and

To get the top affiliates to promote your offer, you have to give them a generous commission. For info products, that is at least 50 percent. You are giving up a big chunk of your revenue, but you only pay when a sale is made. 

You don't have ad costs, and you are the one who ends up building an ever increasing buyer's list. An army of affiliates can pay off now and in the future for your next product launch.


If you already have a podcast, it only makes sense that you would tell everyone about your new product. If you don't have a podcast, find a podcast in your niche, contact them, and offer to be a guest. 

If you've never been a guest before, you may have to contact a lot of podcasts to get booked. But once you do the first one, you will then have credibility, and the next one will be easier. 

That is my list of ten ways to get traffic to your offer. I recommend that you do as many as you can comfortably do. You never know which will bring you results.

Good luck on your next promotion!

How To Create... (In Just 12 Hours) The Kind Of Information Products You Can Make A Full-Time Living From! Work-At-Home Writer Shares His Proven Strategies For Creating Fast Info Products That Sell Consistently And Have Brought Him A Full-Time Income For Over Ten Years! Learn More Here...

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