December 1

Review Pages That Work


Review Page Tips

If you are going to use review pages to promote affiliate offers, you have some work to do. What I mean by that is that to get noticed and to be the one who gets the click on your affiliate link, you have to be the review site that gets your visitor interested enough to do what you want them to do.

What I want to cover in this article is being more trustworthy in your visitor’s eyes.

What I have found lately on a lot of review pages related to internet marketing  products is that they all seem alike.

By that, I mean that they all have the same screen shots, graphics, and bullet points as the sales page.

I usually read the sale page first, and then search for review pages to see if I can find additional information that will help me make a buying decision.

When what I get is the sales page I just left, the review doesn’t do me any good. So I look for pages that are different, and that actually review the product. They are hard to find, and in some cases I don’t find any and give up.

One thing that really annoys me is when I get to the part of the review where they list the pros and cons of the product.

In just about every case, there are several bullet points of benefits, but when it comes to any cons, they have one line that says there are no cons.

That is pure rubbish. There is no such thing as a perfect product, and if you’re going to tell me that you are providing an honest review, then do an honest review.

This is not an isolated thing. For every launch where I visit review pages, it happens repeatedly. I feel like even though I am at a different site, I am reading the same review.

That’s one of the problems with review pages. Most of them are “Me Too!” pages where they copy and  paste most of the sales letter, rave about the product, and tell you that this is a perfect product.

And next week, these same sites will have another review for a new product that they proclaim is perfect in every way, with no cons.

To be successful, you have to be better than your competition. Fortunately, because there are so many useless review pages, that gives you an opportunity…

To be better than your competition. How?

By writing honest reviews. By telling your visitors who the product is for, and how it will enhance their business.

And telling your visitors who it isn’t for. Why it would be a waste of time and money for them.

And tell them about anything that isn’t perfect. It should go without saying that if you are writing a review, you think this is a good product. But let them know if there are things that are missing, or something that they will have to learn or buy to get this to work for them.

What this does is make you seem honest and someone they can trust. Sure, you may lose a few sales, but these are people who would probably have been disappointed and asked for a refund.

What you will gain is a reputation as a reliable source of information. If you add an opt-in form to your review pages, you will be gaining subscribers who trust you and your reviews.

Over time, as your list grows, you can find products that are good and that deliver value. Your list will trust you and your recommendations. Send them offers that you stand behind, be honest, tell them the truth, and you will be building an asset that will make your business a success.

Review sites can tell you that they are giving an honest review – most of them make that claim. You can set yourself apart by being the one to do an actual review. A review that isn’t afraid to point out any flaws that you found.

Hope this helps…

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